Showing posts with label compost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label compost. Show all posts

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Coffee Compost

Did you know that Starbucks gives away coffee grounds for your garden?  Often it is already bagged, waiting for  you to take it home.  However, if you go in a store and don't see any sitting on the ground just ask a barista if they have any.  Most of the time they are delighted to give you what they have.

It is better that the grounds go in the garden than fill up the landfills!  Earthworms love the coffee.
I tilled coffee grounds into my bed before planting but am also using the grounds as compost on top of the soil.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Master Gardener Charlotte Purdue gave us this idea.  We used newspaper and cardboard as a weed barrier (that will compost with time) and added mulch between the boxes.
To my box today I added two bags of manure (from the store) and a bag of rice hulls (from the farmers market last fall).  Maybe tomorrow I will be able to add the perlite.
This is my version of a wheel barrow.  :)
Word on the street is: water will be turned on this weekend.